Monday, October 6, 2014

The Shaw Family

While Nana is away the Shaws will play!

My little cousins are growing up so fast!
It's hard to believe they were just babies!

Addy loves the camera- as she should- the camera loves her!
She came up with almost all of these poses ON HER OWN!
Mom and Dad better watch out!

Little Riley was all smiles, even after he took a frisbee to the face.
Addy could do that trick again if she tried.
Nailed him perfectly!

Poor Riley! But that didn't stop him.  What a handsome smile right?

Riley looks as much like his daddy at this age as little Harmony looks like hers!
Strong genetics in that family!

Enjoy your sneak peek!

Please feel free to share these images with your friends and family.  However,

images on this website are protected by copyright to Lindsay Lehmann of Lindsay Shaw Photography.  Alteration of these images in any way is against copyright law.  Copyright label-free images are available through the website when the full collection is posted.

Thank you!

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